Inverse Matrix Calculator

Enter 2x2 Matrix:

 Finding the Inverse of a 2x2 Matrix: An Example

Imagine you have a secret code represented by a 2x2 matrix:

| 3 4 |

| 1 2 |

To decipher this code, you will need its secret key, which is also a 2x2 matrix, called the inverse. But how do you find it? Let's embark on a mathematical adventure to uncover the mystery!

Step 1: Formula

For a 2x2 matrix like ours, finding the inverse involves a special formula:

A^-1 = 1 / (ad - bc) * [ d -c ]

                         [ -B. A ]


* A^-1 is the inverse matrix

* A is the original matrix (our secret code)

* A, B, C and D are elements of A.

Step 2: Decoding the secret code

In our case, we have:

A = 3, B = 4, C = 1, and D = 2

Plugging these values into the formula:

A^-1 = 1 / (3*2 - 4*1) * [2 -1 ]

                          [ -4 3 ]

A^-1 = 1/2 * [2 -1 ]

                  [ -4 3 ]

Step 3: Simplifying the Key

To make it easier to use our key, let's divide both sides by 2:

A^-1 = [1 -0.5 ]

          [-2 1.5 ]

Step 4: Applying the Key and Revealing the Secret

Now, multiply the original matrix (the encoded message) by its inverse (the key):

A * A^-1 = [3 4 ] * [1 -0.5 ] = [1 0 ]

             [1 2] [-2 1.5] [0 1]

Voila! The encrypted message, represented by the matrix product, reveals its true nature:

| 1 0 |

| 0 1 |
